En los márgenes extremos del centenario de la Revolución de Octubre
En los márgenes extremos del centenario de la Revolución de Octubre: el legado de 1917 que podemos reivindicar Loren Goldner El año 1917 está muy estrechamente asociado a la Revolución Rusa, pero...
View ArticleDans les marges extrêmes du centenaire de la révolution d’Octobre
Dans les marges extrêmes du centenaire de la révolution d’Octobre: l’héritage de 1917 que nous pouvons revendiquer L’année 1917 est généralement associée étroitement à la Révolution russe,...
View ArticleOn the Extreme Margins of the Centennial of the October Revolution
On the Extreme Margins of the Centennial of the October Revolution: The Legacy of 1917 We Can Affirm Loren Goldner The year 1917 is most closely associated with the Russian Revolution, but it is more...
View ArticleAn den außersten Rändern des Jubiläums der Oktoberrevolution
An den äußersten Rändern des Jubiläums der Oktoberrevolution: Was bleibt für uns von 1917? Loren Goldner Bei 1917 denkt man vor allem an die Russische Revolution, aber diese fandf statt im Rahmen...
View ArticleThe German Revolution (World Revolution for Beginners Part III)
Loren: I put translations of the most important initials of organizations (SPD, KPD, etc.) up on the board. As I talk, I’m generally going to use the initials, just so everybody knows what they refer...
View ArticleStalin and Trotsky (World Revolution for Beginners Part II)
Loren: I photocopied a little map of Russia. Unfortunately it’s from a book in French but I think you can figure it out, all the names are pretty much the same. I know some people probably are not so...
View ArticleLenin and Luxemburg (World Revolution for Beginners, Part I
Loren: My name is Loren and what we’re going to deal with today is Lenin and Luxemburg. This is a huge topic. Both of these people are great revolutionaries and there are libraries of books written...
View ArticleWorld Revolution for Beginners
World Revolution for Beginners Loren Goldner Preface The three texts published here are transcripts of talks given in New York City in summer 2013. They focus on the German-Polish-Russian corridor in...
View ArticleMarx and Marxism in Berkeley in 1968
Marx and Marxism in Berkeley in 1968 (from Insurgent Notes, http://insurgentnotes, May 2018) Loren Goldner Berkeley (California) was probably a unique political-cultural milieu in the U.S. in the...
View ArticleOne Hundred Years Ago: The Social Democrats and Fascists Murdered Our Comrade...
Following the 2016 election of Donald Trump to commander-in-chief of U.S. imperialism, some 50,000 young people have flooded into the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which had been a small...
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